One hundred New Kindergarten Songs

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song they salute the flag with left hand, by bringing the hand up and touching the tip of forefinger to left side of forehead, just above the eyebrow, with palms outspread facing towards the front.
The line then divides: one division facing towards the right and the other towards the left; they then forward and march around to the rear of the room, where the captains meet, and facing again towards the Hag. march towards it two in line. They again salute, wave their flags, face to the right and left, and march as before, keeping time to music while waving flags in air. On meeting at the rear of room the second time, they can march four abreast if desired, and so repeat until eight are in line.
Sense Song—No. i.
[Page 141.]
First Verse. Follow the motions suggested by the words as touching the eyes and lashes.
Second Verse. They touch the nose, act as if smelling; touch cheeks, lips, and point to tongue.
Third Verse.
They act as if tasting, wipe away tears, make the motion of cleaning teeth, and point to chin.
Fourth Verse.
They touch ears; point with right hands far and near; feel with hands; bend with knees; make the motion of walking, emphasize the word talk, and swing both arms while singing a little louder.
Fifth Verse. They touch the head; make the motion of nestling; touch the hair; clap the hands; snap the lingers; bend from the hips to the right; then to the left, and then bow.